Sunday, June 13, 2010

Enable Htaccess in localhost AppServ

Open AppSer installed folder in that find conf folder and find httpd.conf file. In that file find below line(LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

For Example In Windows: D:\AppServ\Apache2.2\conf\

"LoadModule rewrite_module modules/" if hash is there before the line remove that hash("#") and save the file and restart the AppServer to work

mysql command line windows

It is working for me like this

Set the path in command line to \mysql\bin i.e (in which directory mysql is installed)

For eg: (I had tried this one in localhost)


then enter a command mysql -u root -h localhost -p and "Press Enter" then it will ask for a password, then enter your password and "Press Enter" Then you got a message like this "Welcome to mysql moniter............... " like this

For testing type a command "Show databases;" without double Quotes now you can see the databases