Friday, December 25, 2009

wordpress mu installation in localhost

I have installed the wordpress mu in localhost. I am using Appserv.

Copy the wordpress-mu folder in your root directory with some name as "wpmu". Create your database.

I just run like

Then i fill the required details and submit the form it is installed i got admin username and password, now it is working.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Phpbb3 admin login problem

Admin Login Page For Phpbb3:
  1. To Login into admin section you have to re-authenticate for admin account
  2. First you have to login from frontend with admin details
  3. Then you found "Registered users: admin" like this. when click on admin link the page move to related link where can find the below options
  4. Username:admin [ Administrate user ] [ Banning ]
  5. Click on " Administrate user" you found the admin login page from where you can login to your admin account by providing your details.
The admin URL is like this http://yoursitename/adm/index.php ( if it is localhost like this http://localhost/phpBB3/adm/index.php")

Admin login page like this "http://sitename/adm/index.php?i=users&mode=overview&u=2&sid=488e632c4df5103d5d1961f31321b251"

check value exist or not in php array

$os = array("Novmber, 2009", "NT", "Irix", "Linux");

if (in_array("Novmber, 2009", $os)) {
echo "You found that value";

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Htaccess tutorial for beginners

Note: Before using this you have to take backup for that code, I am not responsible for any problem occurred to your site.

I am explaining this by an example:
First create a folder name as Htest
In that folder create three files one is Test.php, First.php, .Htaccess

Click Test Page(href="http://sitename/some.php")

Click First Page(href="http://sitename/second.php")

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(second.php)$ ./Test.php [L]
RewriteRule ^(some.php)$ ./First.php [L]

In the above example if you execute Test.php file and click on the link it goes to First.php page but in url it shows second.php because of first line in RewriteRule ^(some.php)$ ./First.php [L]
In .htaccess file as well as same process happen when executes First.php

If you have good idea about regular expressions you can do better.